2007 Spring Prophetic Ministry Conference

The gift of prophecy is mentioned in I Corinthians 12:10; Romans 12:6; Acts 2:18; as one of the gifts of the Spirit. It is the special ability that God gives to certain members of the Body of Christ to receive and communicate an immediate and specific message to His people through a divinely anointed utterance.  Those who receive the benefit of the gift of prophecy can expect to receive a divine utterance of foretelling and forthtelling. The results of foretelling and forthtelling will be inspiration, admonition, motivation, encouragement, edification, exhortation and comfort, which greatly strengthens the believer.

Our prophetic presbytery will be a gathering of at least two or more prophetically qualified ministers at each station who have been specifically preparing prior to the Presbytery event. Each minister spends time in prayer with fasting for God’s divine insight for the candidates. Although, the ministers have no physical knowledge of the recepiants of which they will be ministering to, we pray and trust that God will sovereignly place each recipient at the correct presbytery station that the Lord chooses. Therefore, each minister is prepared to minister accurately and affectively in such a way that it will edify and strengthen each recipient for the plan and purpose of God in their lives. At the completion of the prophetic utterance, the ministers will pray and impart the faith and the ability for each recipient to walk towards the fulfillment of  God's purpose in thier lives. 

About Prophecy

Prophecy is the divine utterance of the Holy Spirit manifesting through certain members of the Body, to communicate an immediate and specific message to the intended recipient. The things which are spoken are not natural perceptions or communication but are the secret insights of God revealed to us by the Spirit. The operations of prophecy are broad and vary from person to person. However, all true prophecy will either be foretelling or forthtelling or a combination of both. Within these two categories we find the nature of prophecy which will include the combination of one or more of the characteristics mentioned below.

      • Prophecy as Foretelling:

This aspect of prophecy manifest in the form of prediction: to foretell events, exercising the Prophetic Office; impartation, to foretell the future, to speak forth by divine inspiration; to break forth under sudden spiritual impulse in a lofty discourse or in praise of divine counsels

      • Prophecy as Forthtelling:

This aspect of prophecy manifest in the form of divine utterance for the present: The minister will convey a specific message, it can be expressed through preaching or teaching but not always, a declaration, proclaiming of divine revelation, divine speech; this form usually deals with the present however the past is often included.

Both aspects of prophecy will have a tremendous affect upon the intended recipient (s); the following are some of the characteristics of foretelling or forthtelling.

  • Illumination (light) revelation (I Corinthians 2:10, 11; 4:5), a divine enlightenment, giving spiritual insight to the Word, Will and the Ways of God. 
  • Direction (Acts 13:1-2) In Antioch there were prophets and teachers gathered together there. After a time of prayer and fasting, God spoke a word of direction concerning His time for the separation of Barnabus and Saul from the local body to a more mobile ministry. This word also brought confirmation of their previous calling.
  • Conferral / Impartation (1Timothy 4:14), not only is there the pronouncement of spiritual gifts and ministry through prophecy, but these may be also the conferral of the same through the prophetic word. In this scripture the gift that Timothy received was granted to him “by prophecy” and then the laying on of hands, which was the dual channel through which he received it.
  • Confirmation (2 Corinthians 13:1) Confirmation is necessary to establish a word. The prophetic most time should confirm what the Lord has already been speaking to us. Prophecy, many times, not only confirms what the call of God is but also releases His timetable as it did in Barnabus and Saul in Acts 13.
  • Inspiration, motivation

True prophecy will always benefit the recipient unto the following.

      • Edification (1 Corinthians 14:3) the word “edification” indicates the building up of the believer in his spiritual life. Prophecy increases faith and spiritual understanding. It edifies by bringing growth towards spiritual maturity.
      • Exhortation (1 Corinthians 14:3) Exhortation comprises the admonition and warning aspects of prophecy. This function of prophecy serves to keep the believer from straying from God. Exhortation also includes the idea of encouragement, a stirring of the believer from that which would spiritually stagnate him. (1 Corinthians 15:32)
      • Comfort (1 Corinthians 14:3) Comfort is the consolation that the prophetic word brings in times of affliction, trails and persecution. The Comforter, the Holy Spirit, prompts the prophetic word to comfort those in suffering and troubles.




The IN CHRIST REALITIES conference will be held in the former Shady Grove Church sanctuary at:
1829 West Shady Grove Road - Grand Prairie, TX 75050
- MARCH 22, 23 & 24 2007

Single Registration - $20 (After March 15, 2007 - $30)
Married Couple - $35 (After March 15, 2007 - $45)
Saturday Lunch & Dinner - Add $20 per person

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